Koch Curve Fractal

Some other cool fractal stuff I was experimenting with.


Some cool fractal stuff I was experimenting with.

Vector fields

It’s been a while since I updated my blog. I have been reading about Multivariable Calculus lately and I came across vector fields, which are a fascinating subject. More about this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_field#:~:text=In%20vector%20calculus%20and%20physics,a%20point%20in%20the%20plane. The main idea is to… Read More

Rudimentary FPS – Pure Javascript and Canvas

This entry is meant to demonstrate how to implement an FPS camera and control scheme for a 3D game. I ended up using flat shading on the polygons. One caveat: the polygons are not clipped in the camera… Read More


These are some demonstrations of the Sierpinski fractal, which is recursively subdivided into smaller equilateral triangles. You can view the source code by right-clicking and selecting the ‘view source’ option in your browser. These demos were made using… Read More